Profile Report on Jukskei River Pollution Investigation
On the 16 October it was reported that the problem was found with the Jukskei River Pollution.
Vivienne Busse, a Buccleuch resident, with a working group followed the Jukskei River into Alexandra to see the cause of the problem which was consequently discovered.
Herewith is the profile report from Irvin Juckes who is part of Edenvale River Watch who did tests of the river at different locations.
Sewage Pollution Buccleuch
Irwin Juckes 27 October 2015
1. Summary
Buccleuch experiences chronic pollution in the Jukskei River – litter, sewage smell and polluted water. The problem comes from two sites in Alexandra where large storm water outfalls discharge litter and sewage. Sludge develops in the river downstream and settles in places causing smell. This investigation was done late dry season, and the sludge will be redistributed downstream when the urban floods resume.
2. Pollution profile of the upper Jukskei River
Three tests were used to profile the Jukskei River, two measuring pollution and one the health of the river.
- VisualTracker is a structured observation of the condition of the water, recording colour, opacity, smell, foaming and overall appearance as a single index number
- Turbidity is a measure the amount of suspended matter in the water
- Bio-assessment MiniSASS for the health of the river. Since river health takes time to adjust is measured quarterly.
3. Jukskei Source to Kyalami Profile
The pollution profile shows the water leaves Johannesburg highly polluted at Queen St, and the pollution declines quite rapidly to Civin Rd in St Andrews, Bedfordview. At Marlboro Bridge it is again as bad as it was leaving Johannesburg, and again declines steadily until in Kyalami.
The river health is the inverse, improving from very poor at Queen Street to fair at Civin Rd, dropping at Marlboro to recover again as it flows through Buccleuch to Kyalami. The section from Lyndhurst to Marlboro was tested in October including three additional sites, showing the source of pollution affecting Buccleuch is between Alfred Nzo Rd and Lenin Rd.
You can also download the report