Emergencies call 071 675 6106/7 or 10111
Buccleuch Drive, next to the Bridge Shopping Centre, Buccleuch

Emergencies call 071 675 6106/7 or 10111


Emergencies call  071 675 6106/7 or 10111

Buccleuch Police Station: 011 804 3942

The Buccleuch Police Station is a satellite branch of the Sandton Police Station (see below), and offers limited services.

Facilities Available:

Opening of case dockets
Reporting of motorvehicle accidents (Accident Report)
Certification of documents as true copies
Payment of applicable traffic fines
Taking down of Affidavits

Where is it

Buccleuch Drive, next to the Bridge Shopping Centre

Sandton Police Station - 011 722 4200

Website: www.sandtonpolice.co.za

Click here for the Sandton calendar

Ops Commander

Capt. Semenya
082 946 6535
Sector Commander
Cst. Aubrey Sidimela
083 597 3776

Deputy Commander
S/Cst. Mahlatsi Maribe
073 286 9022
Victim Support
082 774 7564