smart meters

Eskom public meeting: Thursday 5 May 18h30

Eskom public meeting: Thursday 5 May 18h30

Invitation to a public meeting

We sought your availability for a public meeting with ESKOM, and all prefer Thursdays to Tuesdays.

We therefore have confirmation from ESKOM that the public meeting will be held on:

Thursday 05 May
Time: 18h30
Venue: Buccleuch Primary School
Subject: Smart prepayment split metering programme rollout in Buccleuch

Please send us any questions you may have so that we can consolidate them and send them to ESKOM in advance.

Board approaches Eskom with concerns

Board approaches Eskom with concerns

The BRACe Board has contacted the office of Eskom CEO Brian Molefe to raise our community's urgent concerns about the rollout of smart meters. When Eskom announced the roll out last year they committed to consult with the community first. Unfortunately Eskom failed to engage in any consultation and their contractors have begun replacing meters, often without any warning to residents that their electricity is about to be cut. Fortunately the meter replacement normally takes less than half an hour.

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