Greening Project for Buccleuch
Buccleuch Greening Project first phase 2013/14
Picking up on the greening project from my Chairperson's report, we are thrilled to announce that 2nd year University of Pretoria Urban Planning student Sifiso Mtimunye was the winning student of the Conceptual Design competition (see pic).
After the adjudication, Sifiso came to our monthly ratepayer's meeting to present his concept to the residents. It was very well received. He demonstrated clearly that he 'got' the culture of the suburb and expressed it in his design. Click here to see the presentation.
His concept uses the ‘bones’ or infrastructure spines of the suburb to create links to the ‘organs’ or public open spaces, including the entrances, which are already a pedestrian hub.
He includes bicycle/ walking/ skating paths, youth- and family-centered activities, wifi hot spots, parking areas, historical/ cultural monuments, personalised pavements, skate parks, outdoor gyms and sport activities, African market/ informal vending areas, planting areas, and promenades using indigenous landscape (trees, plants and rocks) and he focuses on creating ‘islands of interest’ as one moves through the suburb, be it on foot or on a mechanised device.
His concept links nicely into the proposed Bus Rapid Transit System that is planned along the Old Pretoria Road (which he did not know about).