Gallo Manor Wendywood Domestic Watch 2016

Gallo Manor Wendywood Domestic Watch 2016

Gallo Manor Wendywood Domestic Watch Meetings 2016

Meetings are at Christ Church c/o Rooseveld & Haldane Roads Wendywood on 2nd last Wednesday at 11h30 am:

  • Remember I will ONLY teach any aspect of crime by making sure attendees are not put in danger and I will protect them by showing them how to protect themselves and employers to make sure they never become a victim by doing the right thing!
  • Remember no one will ever know who gave the police and the security industry information that has resulted in catching and convicting the criminals when they learn this lesson.
  • Remember that the biggest problem the police have in their work is lack of information.
  • It’s simple…Are you suspicious about your neighbours, relatives or friends?  Do you suspect they are involved in crime?  This can be for a crime that has happened or is going to happen.  If you have any information about criminals – be they murderers, rapists, robbers, hijackers, burglars, drug dealers, gangsters, child abusers, fraudsters, smash and grabbers or petty criminals let the police or your security company know and the police will act.
  • Nobody is safe from those that chose to do crime!

LET’S BREAK THE SILENCE…LETS WORK TOGETHER TO STOP CRIME”.  Domestics and Gardeners DO know what is going on in our suburb!
January: Those that attend in January will receive a FREE DVD of the yearend event in February.  Attending in Feb is too late, they need to attend for me to order and pay for these gifts.  A colour photograph of those that attended yearend (if I have the photograph amongst the 408 pictures taken) can also receive their Colour Picture in February @ a cost of R15.00.  I need to name those in the pictures.  With so many attending I get confused about some of the names and suburbs.  The pictures are BEAUTIFUL as is the DVD!

Criminal Cons – Warnings of Potential Danger”.  February lesson. Frankly there is no room left for the domestics and gardeners who look after our homes to not to be empowered and knowledgeable about the crime cons used.  This lesson is accompanied by a THREE page written lesson and an abundance of new and old cons and actual crime con stories that continually keep rearing their heads.  We have to give detailed warnings of this despicable behaviour to make sure we STOP them!  Not knowing is NOT an option.

Thank you to all who support MAD (Making A Difference) Domestic Watch, in particular thank you very sincerely for allowing your employees to attend and forwarding my monthly emails to your mailing lists and encouraging more in your community to support MAD DW.  We will only win the CRIME WAR when multitudes of good people learn what to do and what not to do.  Employers: You will really enjoy attending, I promise!  I indeed pray for and wish all a kind and crime free 2016.

Domestic Watch and SAPS Customer Service Training
Mobile: 082 461 6968  Landline: 011 783 8776  Email:

Please click here for the dates for 2016 crime prevention meetings.

Penny Steyn is the co-coordinator, writer and Annie Conway will present crime prevention lessons & requests R40.00 per attendee for her contribution to crime prevention in your suburb.

  • Domestic Watch is not a “course” that begins and ends.  It is an ongoing process of lessons teaching crime prevention and keeping abreast of current trends in criminal activity and methods of self and household protection against criminals.
  • Employers, Domestics and Gardeners are all welcomed.
  • The Police will attend whenever possible to add valuable information.
  • Any voluntary assistance will be gratefully accepted.
  • Refreshments are served and any contribution towards these will be appreciated.
  • The meeting starts promptly at 11h30.  Registration 11h15.  Lesson duration 1 hour.
  • T-shirts available with MAD logo – R60 each.


Registration form is required for each newcomer to assist with administration of meetings and to award certificates at year end for regular attendance.

Click here for the form.

For any information Call Penny Steyn 082 461 6968 or email