JRA Feedback - Low Bridge

JRA Feedback - Low Bridge

Feedback from JRA re the low bridge is as follows:

They have been waiting for plant equipment to become available to complete the repairs.

We are pushing for the concrete option as this is more cost effective and longer wearing.

JRA will keep us in the loop wrt the arrival of the plant equipment which could be today or tomorrow and then they will advise when they are starting on the bridge.

The pothole on buccleuch drive is also an issue. We are trying to find solutions for this, however due to the high groundwater levels and the springs popping up along buccleuch drive, and the open storm water drainage system being overgrown with vegetation, there is constantly water on the road, which erodes any fixes fast.

We appeal to all residents to obey the rules of the road, especially during peak traffic times and load shedding. We have requested pointsmen however have been advised that there are none available. The traffic free flow pointsmen option is costly unfortunately.

We will provide updates as soon as we receive them - timelines may shift and this is beyond our control.